In this post I shall discussed how easily you can make your own android Bluecontrol App without coding. In this post I not go for very basic one that How to make your own android apps without programming? For that please refer my previous post on How to make your own android apps without programming.
Project Overview:
In my project android Bluecontrol app can capable to control any microcontroller device like robot movement, home automation and any control by sending serial data using Bluetooth communication. I specially build this app for controlling home automation like switch on/off the electrical device in room. You may refer my previous post on “Android based home automation systems” for complete description.
Now in bellow you will see the multi-screen app, it has two screen first screen is describing the detail of project and second screen is use for controlling device.
Project Description:
In first screen (home) I used
- One label to display project name “HOME AUTOMATION APP”
- One image tab to display the project image
- One button to open next screen (control)
- Another two label to write my name and created by caption.
- In bellow I used another image to display “ NBCAFE”
In programming portion in first screen we need to write for button we used to open new screen.
Now for second screen (control) we need several element
- I used one label for display status of Bluetooth like is it connected to other or not?
- One List picker button for selecting and connecting Bluetooth device.
- Two button for switch on two light “Light1 on” and “Light2 on”.
- Another label to display the status of room light which is on and off.
- One button “check status for checking room light status.
- Two button for switch off two light “Light1 off” and “Light2 off”.
- Three button “Disconnect” for disconnect the Bluetooth, “Back” for go to previous screen, “Exit” for exit from app.
- One image tab to display the image of our logo “NBCAFE”.
Now in block programming portion it is very essential to describe the every element which are used in screen2 (control).
- Now it is obvious that when we enter screen 2 it should check the mobile Bluetooth is on or not for that we should use activity starter which is shown below.
- Now show in label that any Bluetooth is connected or not?
- Now using listpicker for selecting Bluetooth device which you want to connect
- Now to on the light we will send character “a” and “b” for switch on two light.
- For checking the status of room light at label when the check status button is pressed.
- Now to off the light we will send character “g” and “h” for switch off two light.
- Now for three button “Disconnect” for disconnect the Bluetooth, “Back” for go to previous screen, “Exit” for exit from app.
If you follow the above mention process you can able to make your own android Bluecontrol App without coding.
Hope the above discussion on Make your own android Bluecontrol App without coding will help you lot.
See in bellow the video of my project at project show by our student.